What if Sherlock Holmes was a data scientist?


I first encountered the Bayes theorem when I started learning about clustering techniques using machine learning algorithms. I instantly realized its usefulness when it comes to updating someone’s belief based on a piece of evidence.

To be honest, it was not easy for me to fully understand it. I believe that part of this difficulty is due to the jargon that surrounds the theorem (e.g. conditional probability, hypothesis, prior and posterior). In addition to the jargon, I find conditional probability very abstract (or maybe it was not my favourite topic in school!).

Therefore, I wanted to write a post that visualizes my understanding of the theorem and put it in a context the layman can relate to (rather than red and blue balls from a bag).

Sherlock Holmes (the data scientist)

In the following visuals, I describe a conversation between Sherlock Holmes following Bayesian reasoning while teaching Watson how to update his belief after encountering a piece of evidence.

For the sake of closing the gap between Sherlock Holmes lingo and Statistics jargon, I sometimes use the word ‘Theory’ instead of ‘Hypothesis’. Even though the two terms are not the same, I thought using the word ‘Theory’ is more relatable to the layman than the word ‘Hypothesis’.

I limited the use of jargon and mathematical expressions to some of the visuals (at the right-hand side — where the diagram is), so the reader can still relate to external resources when they want to read further about the topic.

Python code

To make this post as practical as possible, I attached a python script that the reader can use to plug in some numbers and experiment with them.

# What if Sherlock Holmes was a data scientist?
# calculate P(H|E) as function of
# P(H): The probability of the Hypothesis is true (the prior).
# P(E|H): The probability of the evidence to occur given that the Hypothesis is true (The likelihood)
# P(E|H is false) The probability of the evidence to occur given that the Hypothesis is False 

def calculate_bayes_theorem(p_H, p_E_given_H, p_E_given_H_is_false):
        p_H_is_false = 1 - p_H
        p_E = (p_E_given_H_is_false * p_H_is_false) + (p_E_given_H * p_H ) 
            p_H_given_E = (p_E_given_H * p_H) / p_E
            # printing results
            print(f'P(H) = {p_H * 100}%')
            print(f'P(E|H) = {p_E_given_H * 100}%')
            print(f'P(E|H is false) = {p_E_given_H_is_false * 100}%')
            print(f'P(H|E) = {round(p_H_given_E,2) * 100}%')

            return p_H_given_E
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            print(f'ERROR: P(E) is equal to 0')
# P(H) 
# There is someone behind the curtains 'the prior' or 'probability of the Hypothesis is true'.
p_H = 0.1

# P(E|H)
# Hearing a noise from behind the curtains, given there is someone there, 'the likelihood'
p_E_given_H = 0.6

# P(E|H is false)
# hearing some noises from behind the curtains given that There is no one there.
p_E_given_H_is_false = 0.2

# calculate P(H|E)
result = calculate_bayes_theorem(p_H, p_E_given_H, p_E_given_H_is_false)


If you made it this far, it means that you are interested in the topic. Here are some of the resources I found useful about the topic.

#HappyDataSciencing and you always can find me on Twitter

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